Lake House
Digital Cad files for Download
James Reddrick, Architect LLC, is prepared to provide the buyer with copies of its CAD files for the above mentioned project. However, it is expressly understood that the CAD files are being issued only as supplemental information for convenience to the buyer. CAD files, like any electronic data, transferred in any manner or translated from the system and format used by all of the design professionals on this Project (“Design Team”) to another system or format are subject to errors and modifications that may affect the accuracy and reliability of the data, and, in addition, that electronic data may be altered or corrupted whether inadvertently or otherwise. As a result, no representations or warranties, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the CAD files transferred are made herein. As the accuracy of the CAD files cannot be warranted or guaranteed, it is issued as supplemental information only and must be read in conjunction the contract documents, and the to the extent there are any discrepancies between the CAD files and the contract documents, the physical contract documents must be relied upon.
The CAD files provided by the Design Team under the terms of this Agreement are the proprietary information and property of the Design Team, who shall maintain all copyright and intellectual property rights in the CAD files. All files shall be treated as confidential and are not to be disclosed to or shared with others without the Design Team’s written consent. The use of the CAD files for any other purpose other than for supplemental information for convenience in the bidding process is prohibited.
By purchasing and downloading the files you are acknowledging that 1) James Reddrick and his company shall be held harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses arising out the contractor’s use of the CAD files and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions within the CAD files, 2) the CAD files are to be read in conjunction with all construction documents, addenda and supplemental contract documents, and 3) the CAD files are not to be used for fabrication or construction of any kind.